Learning leadership: strategies for success

Dr. Zunaid Kazi
3 min readApr 25, 2023

“Leaders are born, not made,” my friend scoffed at me. We were conversing about leadership and how we have succeeded in growing leaders within my company. “You don’t have to be born with it,” I had said, “you can learn to be a leader.”

“How?” he asked.

And that got me thinking, and this article was born.

Contrary to popular belief, the ability to lead is not something you’re born with; it’s a skill you can cultivate. The secret lies in finding the right strategies and putting them to work.

So, what works?

Here are five critical strategies for transforming yourself into an effective leader.

You don’t have to just take my word for it; I am also sharing an illustrative Ted (or TedX) Talk for each strategy.

Read, watch, learn, and grow.

Cultivate self-awareness: “Know thyself.”

Learning to lead effectively begins with knowing who you are. You heard that right: figuring out your leadership's strong points and weak spots is possible. It’s important to reflect on your choices and conduct and seek input from those around you. Embrace this opportunity for introspection and growth to develop your leadership capacity and enhance your ability to make decisions.

“Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix” by Dr. Tasha Eurich

Embrace Lifelong Learning: “Live and learn.”

Guess what? Top-notch leaders are continuously learning. Keep up with the latest advances in your field, attend workshops, and read books on leadership and self-growth. And remember that you can learn a great deal from the successes and failures of others. As you cultivate a growth mindset, you can better tackle challenges that come your way and inspire your team to do the same.

“The life-long learner” by Bernie Dunlap

Hone Your Communication Skills: “Speak wisely.”

Here’s the deal: To be a great leader, you must be a great communicator. This trait is the hardest one to cultivate. Communication means more than speaking. You must also learn to listen. You must train yourself to be an active listener and work on articulating your thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely. Communication is a two-way street, so promote open conversations with your team. This will pave the way for a collaborative and trusting atmosphere where everyone can thrive.

“The Secret Structure of Great Thoughts” by Nancy Duarte

Develop Emotional Intelligence: “Feel and connect.”

Emotional Intelligence or EQ (Emotional Quotient) is a term that is now bandied about a lot, and to many, it is just a buzzword. You must connect with your core emotions, accept them, and become comfortable with them. And then, you must learn to recognize the emotions of your team. Then, put yourself in their shoes, and make decisions that minimize conflict and maximize collective well-being.

“The Power of Emotional Intelligence” by Travis Bradberry

Lead by Example: “Show, don’t tell.”

But you already knew this — actions truly do speak louder than words. Be the leader you want your team to be by showcasing the qualities you expect from them. Demonstrate commitment and a strong work ethic. But most of all, own your choices. By walking the talk, you’ll inspire your team to follow your lead and learn to lead.

“How great leaders inspire action” by Simon Sinek

Final thoughts

You can unleash your inner leader. Nurture your self-awareness, commit to lifelong learning, polish your communication skills, refine your emotional intelligence, and set an exceptional example.



Dr. Zunaid Kazi

Technologist/Entrepreneur — Natural Language Processing, ML, and AI. Proud husband and father. Unapologetically arrogant and liberal. CTO at Infolytx.